TJTESOL has published special issues on Corpus and Technology in English Language Studies(Vol. 11, No. 1), Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan (Vol. 14, No. 2) and English(es) as (a) Semiotic Resource(s)/Repertoire(s): (Imagine) A Multilingual/Multimodal TESOL(Vol. 19, No. 1).


Phil Benson & Nikita Chan

Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong



The rapid development and globalization of social media services such as YouTube has opened up new opportunities for informal learning, which are especially valuable to young English language learners in Asia, where opportunities for face-face-interaction with English-speakers have traditionally been limited. This exploratory study investigated language-related interactions in users‟ comments on a fansubbed video-clip of the 2008 Olympics song, Beijing Welcomes You(北京歡迎你), from the perspective of informal teaching and learning. The study found evidence of potential teaching and learning episodes related to (a) translation, (b) language usage, (c) relationships between language and culture, and (b) teaching and learning processes, and pointed to several interesting avenues for further research on informal language teaching and learning in globalized online spaces.


Key Words: informal language learning, online language learning, fansubbing, YouTube




Phil Benson & Nikita Chan




社群網站(如Youtube)的快速發展以及全球化,為非正式語言學習開啟了另一個新的契機;尤其針對在亞洲學英文的年輕族群來說,非正式的學習顯得更重要。因為與母語為英語的人,面對面溝通的機會是有限的。本研究從非正式英語學習的角度著手,以2008年奧林匹克運動會主題曲「北京歡迎你」的一段字幕翻譯短片,探討學習者之間所產生的語言層面互動。研究證明以下的項目產生了語言學習的效果:1. 轉譯、2. 語言使用、3. 語言與文化的關係、4. 教學與學習的過程;此外,此研究針對全球化線上介面的非正式語言學習,其結果也為未來的研究,指出了許多有趣的領域。


關鍵字: 非正式語言學習、線上語言學習、字幕翻譯、YouTube