TJTESOL has published special issues on Corpus and Technology in English Language Studies(Vol. 11, No. 1), Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan (Vol. 14, No. 2) and English(es) as (a) Semiotic Resource(s)/Repertoire(s): (Imagine) A Multilingual/Multimodal TESOL(Vol. 19, No. 1).

Cynthia Tsui



English-medium instruction (EMI) has become a driving force behind the curriculum reform in higher education around the world. The current study, drawn from a larger project that involves an EMI teacher development program, explores subtle nuances of change in teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, employing Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977, 1986) as a framework, among university teachers who have completed the training program. A total of 11 faculty members from five universities in Northern Taiwan were individually interviewed, along with data from their EMI classroom observations. Results indicated that novice EMI teachers may experience a weakening of self-efficacy that could hurt their commitment to teaching. After completing the EMI teacher development program, participants reported gaining more confidence in using the teaching techniques taught in the program. Most importantly, the program helped them re-examine their role as an EMI instructor and sensitized them to the students’ perspective that they had not been aware of before. The new insights humbled them, yet empowered them for their EMI undertaking. The transformation of teachers’ self-efficacy allowed these EMI teachers, juniors or seniors alike, to continue to grow as they struggled through teaching in a foreign language. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future EMI teacher development programs are also provided.


Key Words: English-medium instruction, teacher development, self-efficacy









英語授課專業課程已然成為全世界高等教育,在課程改革方面的一股重要驅力。本研究為另一大型研究的部分資料,以Bandura(1977, 1986)的自我效能理論為依據,針對參與一個英語授課大專教師培訓計畫的大學教師們,探討其自我效能的潛在改變。樣本為來自北台灣五所大學的十一位教師,資料來源為個人訪談與課室觀察。資料分析顯示,初入門的英語授課教師,可能經歷低落的自我效能期,容易影響對教學的投入;經過培訓後,教師們展現較高的自信心,更重要的是,教師們得以重新檢視自己作為老師的角色,透過更多的同理心,了解學生端的需求與困難,這些體驗協助老師們更謙卑地自省,不論資深或資淺,參訓的老師在使用非母語進行教學可能遭遇的困頓中,因為保持自省,而能持續成長並蛻變。本文最後對未來的英語授課教師培訓規劃亦提出建言。




DOI: 10.30397/TJTESOL.201804_15(1).0004