Yi-Ping Huang
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
As a result of the internationalization of higher education, more content-area courses in tertiary EFL academic environments are now being offered through English-medium instruction (EMI) (e.g., Nunan, 2003). Most studies on EMI in EFL universities still show that students encounter linguistic and non-linguistic difficulties (Huang, 2009) and thus need linguistic, cultural and social assistance from teachers (Huang, 2006). This paper, thus, seeks to demonstrate the usefulness of examining content-area teachers’ EMI in EFL contexts from a Vygotskian perspective. In particular, it proposes a new framework for the scaffolding provided for content knowledge (i.e., a multitude of linguistic, conceptual, social, cultural and academic scaffolding) that is more contextually responsive to the EFL higher education context than Pawan’s (2008). Under the impact of internationalization, cultural scaffolding includes the multicultural backgrounds of international students in curriculum design. More importantly, teacher provision of academic scaffolding, in which students’ acculturation into university culture or specialists’ fields of study, is emphasized (Lea & Street, 2006) through active participation in the communities of practice through engagement, imagination, and alignment (Wenger, 1998). This paper, then, calls for more research on how the internationalization of higher education might impact EMI practice in EFL higher education. Pedagogical suggestions for teacher development are also proposed.
Key Words: English-medium instruction, Pedagogical content knowledge, and scaffolding
高等教育因為受到全球化的影響,以英語為外語的大學學術環境中,越來越多的課程主題使用英語來授課(Nunan,2003)。然而,大部分針對此類大學中以英語授課的課程所做的研究,仍然顯示學生遇到語言性與非語言性的困難(黃,2009),也因此需要教師們提供語言、文化、以及社會層面上的協助(黃,2006)。因此,此研究從維高斯基觀點,來論證探究英語情境主題教學中,以英語授課之效益。此研究也特別提出鷹架理論作為一個新的架構,來提供主題內容知識(如:各種語言性、概念性、社會性、文化性以及學術性的建構),這些知識比Pawan (2008) 所提出的概念,更適合以英語為外語的高等教育情境。在全球化的影響之下,文化性鷹架作用包括課程設計中所涉及國際學生的多元文化背景。更重要的是,教師所提供的學術性鷹架作用亦受到重視,透過此鷹架作用,學生們能經由積極的參與,適應於大學文化或是專業領域。此文建議學者提出更多的研究,來探討高等教育全球化是如何影響以英語為外語的高等教育中英語課程的實施。本文也提出了教師專業發展的教學建議。
關鍵字: 以英語為教學語言、學科教學知識、鷹架理論