Wei-Wah Claudia Wong
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
 The demand for communication skills training for science research postgraduates (RPGs) has been increasing over the years. Many potential scientists and researchers in the industry are under enormous pressure to get published (Cargill, O’Connor & Li, 2012) and to attend conferences and seminars. In light of the aforementioned needs, all first-year HKUST science RPGs enrolled after September 2012 are required to take a discipline-specific academic English course entitled “Postgraduate English for Science Studies”. It aims at providing science RPGs with academic writing and oral presentation training. This paper presents the evolution of this science ESP course, with a focus on the impact of course design and class activities on RPGs’ learning. Data collected over two academic terms, including post-course questionnaires and other course materials, will be presented. Results suggested science RPGs found the ESP course most beneficial when more advanced topics were covered, such as title writing in manuscripts and dissertations, analyzing features of different science writing genres, as well as learning how to use analogies in science presentations. Authentic text analyses, individual consultations and presentation rehearsals are shown to be effective means to deliver learning materials to RPGs. ESP teachers should act as managers, facilitators and collaborators. Pedagogical implications and areas for further research will also be discussed.
Key Words: science ESP course, academic writing, academic presentation, Research Postgraduates (RPGs), curriculum development
 近幾年,很多科學家與研究生都面對著發表學術文章和公開演講的壓力(Cargill, O’Connor & Li, 2012)。所以,關於這方面的培育需求也相應提高。有鑑於此,香港科技大學所有在2012年後入學的一年级科學研究生都必須修讀一個科學專業英語科(Postgraduate English for Science Studies),目的是在於提供科學學術英語寫作與演講方面的技巧訓練。本研究旨在演示這個課程的開發過程,重點是研究教材和教學方法對學生的影響。經過兩個學期的資料(包括期末問卷和教材)搜集,结果表示:研究生最能受惠於原著分析、個別輔導和演講彩排。在學術英語科中,英語老師擔當的角色應包括課堂管理者,協調員與合作者。
關鍵詞: 科學學術英語科、學術寫作、學術演示、研究生、課程發展