Ying-Chun Lai 

 Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan



This study describes English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ use of vocabulary consolidation strategies and explores the connection between strategy use and vocabulary learning outcomes. This study included 218 participants who were students from five freshman English classes at a university in Taiwan. Students’ self-reports on their use of vocabulary consolidation strategies were collected using Schmitt’s (1997) taxonomy, and their lexical competence, short-term vocabulary retention, and long-term vocabulary retention were measured using a vocabulary levels test, a post-test, and a delayed recall test, respectively. The study results demonstrated that the use of more vocabulary consolidation strategies, particularly memory strategies that involved the higher-order thinking skills of analyzing, synthesizing, and organizing, was related to higher vocabulary levels. Little evidence was found with regard to the link between strategy use and short-term vocabulary retention as well as the link between strategy use and long-term vocabulary retention. The findings of this study suggest that although the positive impacts of appropriate vocabulary consolidation strategy use may not be significant and immediate, these strategies could greatly benefit learners’ long-term vocabulary acquisition. 


Key Words: vocabulary, learning strategy, lexical competence, EFL








本研究描述以英語為外語學習者的字彙強化記憶策略之使用,並探討策略之使用和字彙學習成效兩者之間的關聯性。於臺灣某所大學,共計 218 名來自五個大一英文課程班級的學生參與此項研究。字彙強化記憶策略使用之自評量表以 Schmitt (1997)的理論架構作為基礎;字彙量、短期字彙記憶與長期字彙記憶則分別使用字彙量測驗、後測考試以及延遲後測考試作為評量工具。研究結果顯示,和高字彙量有明顯關聯性的學習模式為大量地運用學習策略,特別是涉及有關於分析、整理以及歸納的高階思維能力之記憶方法;而學習策略的使用和短期以及長期字彙記憶間的關聯性卻很薄弱。本研究發現顯示,雖然恰當地運用強化記憶策略來幫助學習字彙也許無法於短期內見到顯著與立即的效果,然而,其所帶來的正面影響,對於達成長期學習成效之目標能大有裨益。


關鍵字: 字彙、學習策略、字彙能力、以英語為外語