Hung-Tzu Huang

National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan



The present study investigated how self-related English learning motivation among Taiwanese adolescent learners differs between students who only receive English instruction in formal schooling and those who have additional private tutoring. A total of 1,698 teenage English learners in public secondary schools across Taiwan completed a self-reported questionnaire based on the L2 motivational self-system theory (Dörnyei, 2005, 2009). The results showed that students who had additional tutoring had a significantly stronger intention to learn English and exhibited a higher frequency of English learning behaviors compared with those who only received English instruction in the mainstream. Regression analyses revealed similarities and differences between the motivational profiles and self-conceptualizations of those with and without private tutoring, revealing that ought-to self, learning attitudes, and learning experiences were prominent predictors of learning motivation for both groups. For students without tutoring, the influence of prevention-based instrumentality was found in their intention to invest effort and their perceived motivated learning behaviors. While the motivational power of ought-to self was observed in both groups, ideal self was only a pertinent contributory factor of intended effort in those who had tutoring. The study highlights the importance of considering learning experiences across diverse learning contexts in L2 motivation research.


 Key Words: L2 motivation and selves, adolescence, learning experience








本研究旨在探討具課外英語補習經驗與無課外英語補習經驗之台灣青少年在英語學習中的自我概念及學習動機是否差異。研究以「第二語言動機自我系統」為理論框架,針對11-16歲就讀於台灣公立國中的1,698 位青少年進行問卷調查。結果發現,具英語課外補習經驗之青少年較無補習經驗之學生有更高的英語學習意願及更頻繁的學習行為。多元回歸分析顯示兩組學生之自我形成及動機取向具相同及差異處。「應然我」、「學習態度」及「學習經驗」對於兩組台灣國中生之英語學習動機有顯著預測力。「預防傾向的實用型動機」可有效預測無補習經驗學生的英語學習動機。「理想我」及「促進傾向的實用型動機」則只對具補習經驗學生的學習動機有預測力。本研究強調語言學習動機研究需涵蓋不同場域之學習經驗,始能提供理論建構及法規訂定上更具體的建議。

